Choose Coach Holiday Loyalty Scheme Membership with Kevendys Travel in Essex
If you love coach trips and want to benefit from great savings, priority booking and more, why not become a Loyalty Scheme Member with Kevendys Travel in Essex? An annual subscription that you can take advantage of year-round!
Why should you become a Kevendys Loyalty Scheme Member?
Exclusive deals, priority booking and reduced prices!
For an annual subscription of just £5 per person you will benefit from reduced prices on all our day excursion fares.
Our brochures will be sent to you by priority post and you will receive updates of additional trips and tours added during the coming year. Please feel free to call Wendy, Clare, or Sarah on 01268 765240 who will be happy to help you with any enquiry.
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All our day excursions and coach holidays include:
• Travel by luxury coach
• Professional & smart drivers
• Dedicated tour escort to assist you during your excursion
• Carefully planned itineraries
• Kevendys reliability and sincerity
• Value for money with an extra level of service and commitment to your coach trip.
• Local pick-up points across Essex with some door-to-door services available for longer coach breaks